Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sundowners at the Compound

Sundowners is a local monthly event were all the expats and palangi's get together for drinks (cheapies) and a catch up for a couple of hours before heading out on the town. Each month is run by a different group (Aus Aid, High Comm staff, Us, AFP) this was our first one for the year and the first for Sam and I. Apparently we were very lucky as it was raining on and off most of the day and night for that matter! We guesstimated numbers around 60 to 70. Then the boss told us last one there was over 120 and they didn't finish till 4am so we were pretty happy with the turn out and even happier with the midnight finish weather and all. The kids had a ball even though the jumping castle was cancelled due to the weather! We set the bar up in our shed and used the common area as the entertainment area! The kids went wild on the play gym and even gave a few of the local yachties a run for their money!

The good lookin DCP bar staff!Earlier in the night - between rain falls!

Introducing Kalisitiani Finau (AKA Cristian, Tiani) our local clerk/interpritor and handy man about town!!!

Some of the kids just hanging around!!!

The boys holding up the bar at the end of the night!! A job well done!! We thought?

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