Monday, May 24, 2010

May Nuku'alofa Fishing Club Comp

In preparation for this months fishing comp we headed to sea and for some unknown reason the weather had suddenly dropped off! Must be no windows at the local Met office they predicted 15-20 knot winds. So the only thing to do was to survey some new grounds and possibly get some fish in the fridges for the families. The seas were flat and the new moon had just passed. After three hours of fishing we had enough to feed the tribes but again no monsters from the deep!! Not from a lack of trying though!

Picture perfect weather, possibly a breath of wind wouldn't have gone astray!

Tiani happy with his 2nd ever fishing trip! The umu was looking great too!

Lyndon and his mini monstor from the deep!

The bait fishes last view!

Training run all done and dusted! It was time for us to put all that knowledge into practise so off at 0700 punched out into a choppy swell for about an hour. Dropped lines and no sooner Em was burleying up over the side, not alone though Georgia was also looking pale so we pulled up the pick and headed back, trawling of coarse. That was when we lost our next decky (Lincoln) and X Navy too! So once we were in close enough we called up the next crew and mum's to pick up the girls from the wharf.

Next was Tiny and two of his boys, Lincoln also pulled the pin. This time we headed out a little further and the chop dropped off about the same time Tiny's young fella, Tyler did. This time Dylan was on hand with his camera as dad gave support. More so directions on were he wanted the burley.

Tyler looking for Nemo! Nice shot Dylan!

Trawling back into the protection of the reef!

Notice there has been no fish photo's yet that's because after nine hours out on the water all we had to show for our efforts was four sick sailors. One small collard sea bream and a small reef shark. We fished everything from shallow bomies to 100+m ledges and even trawled for miles and all that we proved is that the half moon doesn't pay dividens!!! Then Navy base in sight alrms went off and so did the engine (dropped a drive belt). So it was over to the super outboard first pull the starter cord broke! Then it was a race to see who could get thier engine started first.

Another lesson learnt! A15Hp doesn't push a 7.2m boat to well into a current!

The peanut gallery waiting to see the whoopers! More beers please barman!!!

The final count Dad's monster the only fish caught all day, by anyone! Dyl with Sam's shark!

Dyl with the enthusiasm award as he was still fishing off the club jetty after 9 hrs at sea. All I need now Dad is a new rod to match!!!

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