Sunday, May 23, 2010

A weeks adventures including Mothers Day!

Jodie's first Mothers Day in Tonga started with a big breakfast and pressies from the family! Once she was all fuelled up it was off to a local beach for a swim and romantic walk along the beach with hubby! It was a nice relaxing day before we cooked up a big roast lamb and had the neighbours over for a few games of pool then dinner and a couple of wines! Followed by more pool and desert! Then more pool and more wines! You see a trend here! Yep we love Jodies pool table and her!!!! What a great way to end the weekend!

Happy Mothers Day!!!! Breakfast with extra LOVE!!!!

Mr and Mrs Q

After the Sundowners we also scored an invite for a sunset BBQ on one of the support yachts for the Bounty expidition! What a great bunch of people and awsome night too. Dylan was right at home in and out of every inch by the end of the night! The kids especially enjoyed the ferry ride in and out on the boats tender, three at a time.

A tight squeeze on the yacht with 20 odd people all over the decks!

Finally this week also saw the completion of the flying fox which took quite a bit of explaining to the locals to find a pulley as they always thought I was talking about the local Bats!!!! Then it usually ended in, "Why would you want to build one of those for??" Anyhow the load test was successfully completed by Dad's short run back to earth and then it was over to the monkies!!

Dyl's first leap of faith and I'm sure not the last either!!

Emily demonstrating her spinning tricks!

At the end of each week the kids school puts on a play by a certain class and this week was Emily's classes turn. Somehow she managed to sneak in a circus theme? So it was into the shed with Dad to knock her up some stilts and she found the cloths! Jodie is always saying there is a clown in the family but usually I think she means me!!!! But not on this day!!! Em was a hit with everyone!

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