Friday, June 11, 2010

Picture Perfect!

Here she is, Jodie and her Baby Q. (Toyota CAMI Q) Little Miss zippy about town but she does get lost in some of our larger pot holes about town.

The weeks have been flying along. Em has taken up two lots of dance classes (Tongan and modern) and is loving them both. Dyl on the other hand has taken up the Tennis racket with his mates Ulalala and Zayne who both stayed for a sleep over Friday night and made good use of the tree house.

The flying fox getting yet another work out.

Dylan has taken to pool like a true shark. Our favourite family game is Kelly pool and it has been a hit with all the guests too. Pool, drinks, dinner and back to pool. Only problem is the kids know our numbers from the shape of the paper that they are written on so they just sink mum and dad's balls first and we are out. But... we are on to them now!

The chook houses are coming along and we have now begun construction on the frames.

The long weekend bought another picture perfect Tongan opportunity so with the boat in hot demand we booked it out for Monday arvo and headed out to Malinoa Is for some R&R. This included a walk around the Island, of course swimming, shell collecting, throw in some snorkeling and then we were ready for a fish a little further out to sea. It was just too easy and too flat. We even had a big sea turtle pop up next to the boat!

Anchor party closed up, also keeping an eye out for the shallow sections.
Homie Dylan with the Is behind him!

Emily with her little treasure, a perfect cowrey shell.

Go team Q, minus mum this time round as it was just too nice on the beach.

Where the bloody hell are Yah!!!

Ah relaxing in paradise between bites and replacing everyone elses sinkers!

Dyl reckons it's so easy - here they even jump in the boat by themselves!!

Dyl and his first Coral cod. He was yummy too!

Home time - Tongan style. Throw it all in the back including the kids. You can tell they hate it by the smiles on their faces!

Home in time for sunset. Our friend Semisi was Officer of the Day. He was glad to see us though as we left him some fish for dinner!

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