Monday, June 21, 2010

Opening of Parliment

This last week saw the opening of the local Parliment, yes we can hear you think ............ well it is a huge thing here as we now know. For the opening every high school band participates and has been practicing around the clock 0530 starts some days and 2300 finishes for the last month or so. Well we live near two high schools so Jodie loves the sound of the bass drum as much as the roosters at present...NOT! But on the big day all the schools marched from their respective school grounds through all the streets criss crossing along the way to finally meet up at parliment house. The kids had half the day off school to see it. I also got caught in the traffic jams and got to catch some too. The TDS soliders even made up the offical guard. It was very entertaining! We also found out that the primary schools do the closing ceremony. Can't wait.

It was a busy weekend with more sleep overs and filming for one of EM's dance troops (On the Spot) which will be shown on local TV next month some time. The girls even wear their new shirts to mufty day at school (free dress Wednesday so the local kids can wash their uniforms). They had a ball and all love the instructors.

On the spot dance troop.

The dancing Queens! (Em,Tootsie and Moo)
Sunday saw a break in the weather so we nipped out in the boat between other bookings for a quick biscuit and knee board. The monkies thought it was so much better than being dragged around by the old tinnie. Hmm not hard 15 Hp versus 230Hp? Mum kicked back and played spotter/sunbaker. Emily informed us after that she felt like shark bait being dragged behind the boat in the open water. Then promptly asked to go out on the knee board. Kids have no fear.......faster.faster.fasterrrrrrr......

The kids have now named it - The Quirky Chookeria!!! Just waiting for a lick of paint.

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