Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tonga Tourism Forum

Thursdays and Friday mornings Jodie volunteers at the Ministry of Tourism (MOT), which also includes the Tonga Visitors Bureau. Starting in May she has been working in the Education and Training Department. This department is starting to deliver non accredited workplace training to local businesses, with the first big session of the year for Tonga Airport Limited.
One of her first jobs was to attend meetings for the newly formed National Coordinating Tourism Training Committee. The Ministry of Training, Education, Youth and Sport (MOTEYS), is re-structuring the entire Technical Vocational Educational Training system (TVET) in Tonga. The re-structure will review and upgrade current curriculum, facilities, trainers and qualifications to ensure training courses will meet the new national qualification standards so they can become internationally recognised. (My TAA quals will come in handy after all - who knew??)
To that end, Tonga held its first national tourism forum for all interested parties on May 10-11. Our working group - Human Resource Development, Training and Education, along with 5 other working groups made presentations throughout the forum to help develop a ten year vision plan for tourism in Tonga. With over 90 delegates many good ideas were presented which are now being collated into a plan of action for participants to review and make comment on. Definitely something very exciting to be a part of - Penny and Cate this is definitely up your alley!!!
Two days of hard work was rewarded with a Cocktail party ( jokingly referred too as the 9th information session) at the New Zealand High Commissioner's residence at sunset.

Inside Fa'onelua Convention Centre
Some of the MOT team L-R Sandra- Marketing Manager, me, Sibbi - Marketing, Tapu - Training, Kapreen - Admin

The evenings entertainment

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