Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Quirke Veggie marketi is open!

After a spot of home gardening, we are pleased to announce the humble beginnings of our home marketi that is feeding the neighbours (as we can't possibly eat it all oursleves). It is great watching the kids get excited about the spoils of the garden, although they are not excited about doing the weeding.

Our cherry tomatoes going great guns, with the carrots in the front.
The eschallots are on the left side, unofrtunately in this lot the snow peas and red oinons did not take off.

This unlucky one got caught in between the mesh but managed to ripen just fine thank you very much. It was a different story trying to get it out.

Our first carrot crop - now to get the kids to eat them

Bananas for everyone, we get so many and they are beautifully sweet, only problem is they tend to ripen all at once.

Our pineapples are also proving to be a treat.

Pawpaws are also in abundance but are now so high up, we can't get them down before the birds get to them

Down to 3 chickens and only 1 egg a day, we think they are either getting too old or are on a permenant holiday.

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