Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jodie's Quick visit to Australia

The middle of July saw Jodie take a quick trip to Oz as our (her) Nana had had a stroke and wasn't doing so well. Most days were spent with Nana Marks between her rehab classes. She also managed to catch up with her sister and mum while in town and squeezed in a little retail therapy.

Nana recovering well and feisty as ever.

Yet another happy snappy from the ward. Some of Nana's days were better than others. She had plenty of photos and get well cards to keep her company in the hospital when she didn't have her visitors.

Only needed Em and it would have been 4 generations.

Nothing like returning to a winter wonder land not to mention the total loss of any fashion sense. With winter in Tonga reaching 23 degrees overnight, Jodie was out of her depth on those 5 degree Brisbane winter nights

On Jodie's return flight the memories came flooding in as she flew over her old Sydney town.

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