Thursday, December 6, 2012

Emily's 12th Birthday.

Yet another Birthday without Dad around. The Day started off with a few pressies at home before heading off to school.

Notice Pooh Bear is still number one after all these years.

Birthday's in Tonga mean you take a big cake in for everyone to enjoy, a sure way to make friends for lunch.

The big event for this year was a sleep over with a difference. The entire garage floor was covered with mattresses and then the fun bagan. Excited? I think so.

After a quick suger burn it was time to load up with some more junk food and open some presents.

Next activity was water games starting with water bombs.

The flying fox made for a great moving target.

Em's favourite dinner mince rolley ups.

Then back down stairs for some more jumping around like mad women. Green is Em's colour this year and Jodie made sure there was plenty to be seen.

Crazy times continued into the night.

Fuelled by more sugar and marsh mellows they struggled and giggled on for a few more hours. This is Emily's pillow birthday cake. Lucky for mum she bought the marsh mellows back form OZ as there were no marsh mellows in town this month.

Eventually the silence was defining so Jodie snuck down and took a quick snap shot, 3am and they finally fell asleep.

The next day it was time for some more arts and craft and to make a memento of their time with Emily.

Nothing can beat a little ballon work with what seems to be lots of snakes being created.

The final take home art and craft products from the girls. Good use of coral and shells and especially the green backing.


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