Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Arty Angels Christmas Craft Fair

Yet again Lola took charge of all the kids and organised the second Childrens Craft fair at a local cafe. For 6 weeks, every Friday afternoon all 10 of them piled into the back of Lola's patrol, went back to her place and worked their butts off for 2 hours creating wonderful Christmas decorations and yummy snacks to sell - all in the name of art and craft... and to line their pockets with a little bit of cash. A few stall holders from the handicraft markets also came along to sell some of their wares.

This year the kids also sold something that they had made on their own and were allowed to keep the money for themselves. Emily made "Tin Can Characters" out of recycled soft drink cans decorated with various bits of scrap metal and alfoil. She sold all 8 at $5 each and was very pleased with herself. They must have been alright because even Dylan parted with his own cash to buy one on the day. Overall the "Arty Angels" made $300 as all of their craft was sold and the kids made $30 each. There are alot of parents in Tonga with Christmas Trees looking similarily decorated but hey, you get that! Well done kids and thanks heaps to Lola.

Milla with the snowflakes and Eva, Georgia, Milla, Emily and Necie manning their stand.

Leilani - the proud owner of one of Emily's characters - this one in a race day outfit with matching hat and handbag.

The Christmas cards and "Santa stop Here" table was very popular. So too were the cupcakes and biscuits.

There was a big turn out with plenty of local handicrafts on offer so Jennifer checks out some necklaces.

Some more stall holders from the marketi.

Paula and Tim had a little refreshment pause, whilst Tomasi, Dylan, Ualala and Blaise just hung out.

Thank you Lola and the 10 Arty Angels

Jayden, Eva, Emily, Georgia, Milla, Necie, Naomi, Jessica, Piana and Jade

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