Friday, December 30, 2011

VOEA NEIAFU's Australian Slipping

After many months of planning and preparation VOEA NEIAFU finally made it to her Biennial slipping conducted at Tropical Reef Shipyard in Cairns. How happy was I to be back in the old stomping grounds? Sam did the first half of the slipping and I finished it off. The guys and the shipyard worked well together and as a result there were minimal delays. She came out looking great and we (TRS/DMS) also managed to complete the hull modifications (strengthening).

As usual the boys managed to clear out CashConverters and the Salvo's of second hand TV's, BBQ's, bikes and clothes. Also we gave the lollie shops a touch up too! They are very expensive back in Tonga and with Xmas around the corner what else would you need for the stockings? I also managed to squeeze in a few social calls with friends and family during my 3 weeks.

The boat took 18 days to get home but l missed the trip home this time as we had a recall conference in Canberra to attend.

VOEA NEIAFU sitting in the floating dock.

Semisi keeped a close eye on his boat.

Tamau (The charge) doing his best Titanic impersonation with Semisi while we moved the boat (still in the floating dock)

Semisi, Finau and Passi with a trolley load of choclates and other lollies. This was just their stash too.

With all the external hull repairs completed it was time to flood the dock and float NEIAFU off.

CO Semisi in his Captains chair! A few days after hitting the water it was time for sea trials. These were shortened due to poor weather and heavy rain.

18 days later including some unkind weather and a patrol NEIAFU finally returned to Tonga. Which also included our stash of goodies onboard.

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