Friday, December 30, 2011

The Festive Season is upon us!

Well it's been the festive season for sure this year! What will next year bring? Only time will tell. This year we've had plenty of Xmas parties to attend also including one farewell and one birthday party. We have thoroughly enjoyed everyone's company over the holiday period and are already looking forward to next year. We've posted just a small selection of our memories for all to enjoy. Merry Xmas and Happy new year to all. 

Jodie playing host at the TWISC Xmas party.

Santa even found the best little club in town (AKA The Nuku'alofa fishing club)

The adults hid in the shade of the sails and a good night was had by all, this also included prize giving for the recent TIGFA comp.
Sam, Dyl and Phasi cooked up at storm at the Tae Kwon Do beach Xmas party. Harsh views I know!
The girls getting festive at our compound function for family and friends.

In the middle of all these Xmas parties John and Annie (and Clancy) have decide to depart our shores to return to Australia for a while so we all headed to Cottage Breeze for a farewell dinner.
The girls kicking up their heels.

Oh well it was the silly season so Annie after a few Bubbles, decided to show of her party tricks.
Sal couldn't be upstaged so he took to the stage next.
Dee with the Irish version.
The boys were delegated to the back of the table to say goodbye to John.
Sal giving Sesi Jr a double home as Jodie and Rochelle read him the riot act about being responsible.
The Navy held a thank you Xmas function to thank the wives and kids for their support throughout the year. Nothing like a little notice (i.e. 1hr) when you are the guests of honour.. 
This is the most organised Santa line we have ever seen in Tonga but it didn't last long once the pressies came out.

John had one last trick up his sleeve to get us all together before they departed. Yep what else but a birthday party for the old man. They had it at Fresh their home away from home when it comes to breakfast. At a guess I'd say they had at least 5 breakfasts a week with Beau and her team. So why not celebrate your last meal there too. Charles and the boys put on a magnificent meal and free flowing drinks.

John giving his thank you and farewell speech.

Annie and Beau in their usual position at the Bar. Nice work girls.
Me, Dave, Cyril and Sal outside under the shade of the veranda. It was bucketing down initially.
Annie's touch - Bubbles for the boys and Leilani!

I assure you Tiny is just Tall I'm definitely not shrinking as I approach 40? This was taken at Touliki base for the TDS Officers Xmas party.
Finally, Xmas Eve had arrived and last year we began the tradition of Xmas Eve movie nights in the defence compound but due to rain we had this one under Sam's house.

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