Saturday, November 19, 2011

Horse Riding

On our last day the kids talked us into a 2 hour bare back horse ride along the beach and into the bush. Not exactly my favourite thing to do, as I am not really a good horse rider but I went along anyway. The kids loved it, took to it like they were born on one, and I must admit the scenery along the way was lovely. Can't say that the stiffness in my bum and legs once we arrived back was lovely, but you get that!

Heading onto the beach and off into the bush. Lucky for us we had very docile village horses and everyone managed to stay on.

Dylan and Emily showing what experts they were, no troubles for them, I had the only firey horse (of course I did - typical!)

The kids led they way into the bush with us oldies supervising from the back. An yes, I did like my horse, once I was finally off him.

Only problem according to the kids, 2 hrs was not long enough, for us adults, it was plenty long enough.

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