Saturday, September 4, 2010

Quirke Tribe return to Oz - Chris's Big Fiftieth

Our return to Oz was full of fun and excitement. This section of the trip consisted of a week catching up with the Q tribes on the Sunshine coast. The main event though was Chris's 50th birthday at Ryan and Amanda's place. We caught up with a lot of people that night and it was great to see you all again. We also used this as a chance to begin our acclimatisation from Island life to the snow. What were we thinking we were already in jumpers and the rest of the family were in shirts. The Q tribes are surely growing and Jodie sure snuck in her share of baby time with the newest arrival Abigail. Emily was a great cousin/baby sitter and was never far away when she was awake. Happy Birthday Chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 hummmm who's next?

Ali Q and her boys.

The Quirke women. (Mervat, Jodie, Anna and Amanda)

The next generation of Quirke girls.
Cousins - Charlotte, Elizabeth, Lily, Abigail, Emily, Emma.

The boy cousin's (including Ayden the pseudo Quirke - Front right).
Alex, Dylan, Ayden, Braxton

The kids hanging out at the start of the party.
By night fall, Ryan's first priority was to start the fire pit - apparently wood is a good option though if you need heating. Eventually we had in all under control and then Amanda brought out the marshmallows which was a hit with all. It ended up being 8 degrees that night which was a huge shock to our system.

Marshmallows around the fire, Helen B was supposedly in charge.

I'm not cold but would you trust this guy?

With more drinks and the chill of the morning quickly approaching we all moved closer and closer to the fire.

Sorry Grant (AKA Angry) but it's tradition.

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