Monday, September 13, 2010

The Quirky Chooker-ia is OPEN

Finally the Quirky Chooker-ia is open for business and housing five chooks - four Australian Reds and one Tongan chook. The Tongan chook belongs to no other than....... EM, just to be different. It is a black chook so Em named it Blue-Berry?? She flew the coop on day one, who new tongan chooks were so fast but after a successful recapture by the kids she was grounded/clipped. So no more flying off into the trees as she has proven to be our best layer so far.
This has been a long project so much so that the kids were actually beginning to use it as a cubby house and it's possibly big enough to house a small Tongan family. Our plan was to wait for our return from our Ozzy Ski holiday before we picked up the chooks from friends, Chris and Clare who own a local chook farm. The kids helped along the way with construction and also painted each other when we gave it a lick of paint. Lyndon and the kids also designed the name board for art and craft one morning. We also promised the kids they could pick out their own chooks so if they don't lay (become pets) they only have themselves to blame.

Speaks for itself. The I is a worm.

The frames were cut in the shed then moved into place.

A few beers later and a lick of paint she's all green.

Opening day. The Quirky tribe with the final product - Quirky's Chooker-ia.

With no chooks to be seen a couple of turkeys moved in.

Em picking out her Tongan chook, Blue-Berry with the help of her friend Marilin and family.

Five chooks in a box. Not quiet KFC.

Dyl unloading his chooks before Em let hers escape.

All safe and sound in the lap of luxury. Some of the luckiest chooks in Tonga I'd say.

Production bagan on the first morning and hopefully will continue.

Our plan is to let them free roam around our yard during the day and then into the pen for the evenings. Lyndon's next project is to fence in the vegie garden to keep the chooks out.

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