Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday Sea

Finally after two weeks of unpleasant weather we had a chance to load up the boat and head out for the day. Best of all it fell on a weekend. We had a few friends join us and headed out to sea with no real plans. When we stuck our nose out of the reef though it was a little sloppy but luckily on our way back toward Ata'ta we spotted..... whales. How bazaar during whale season and all. We have been so lucky this season and finally Jodie got to see them close up and this time it was a group of mothers and calves. We hung around them for about 3/4 of an hour then headed off.
And the photo shoot begins.

This time it was Jodie's chance to snap off a couple of rippers.

All the mum's on the boat were putting life jackets on the kids when they saw the size of this mum coming out of the water between us and her baby. Ah the belated protective instinct.

Dylan and Blaise having a rest on the bow while Lyndon found us a nice sheltered anchorage.

Swim time off the back of the boat. John and Clancy having a splash.

Em attempting to walk on water.

On the way home we then stopped at Pangi Is for a late lunch with beers and a play on the sand. Our friend Jen (very Irish) keep us entertained all day with her excitement and classic sayings. And she is sure that 'ues ave' the accent and not her. To be sure it was a wee ripper of a day!

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