Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ocean of Light School Concert

The kids school - Ocean of Light, had their yearly school concert last weekend to raise funds for improvements around the school, (we hope!) Anyway, it was a whole day event with BBQ, raffles, cake stalls and the concert with each of the classes (both Jr and High School) performing, usually a dance by the Tamasi'i (boys) and one by the Ta'ahine (girls) then a combined dance. The kids covered everything from traditional to modern dance and the outfits were in most cases amazing. The parents put so much time and effort into the traditional outfits made by hand from Tapa, woven leaves and flowers. But Jodies' favourite is the head wear - she is picking up some great ideas for race day outfits when she returns. Em loves to get dressed up and perform the traditional dances but Dyl is a more modern kind of kid.

Emily's class ready to hit the stage. Em is becoming the seasoned dancer nowa days.

Ellie Rose putting money on the girls. The teachers waited on the sides to collect it off them later for the donations.

Dyl with mates during their modern section of his performance. Both mum and dad are still unsure about the hoody though.

An example of the outfits and these girls are prep equivalent back home. See what Jodie means about the amazing head pieces

The boys completed traditional dances of the warriors ( called maka) to prove endurance.

This was a stand out and it is made totally of croton leaves. Apparently the women of the family gather around two nights before the performance and knock these up while having a chat.

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