Monday, February 18, 2013

Catching Up with Family & Friends in Brisbane

2012 was a shit year for many of our friends as they too lost a loved one. It is never easy to say goodbye but it does help to have the love, support and friendship of others going through the same thing. Jodie and the kids flew back to Brisbane in late September for the funeral of her grandma Alice Marks. On the day Nana died, Jodie was at the funeral of a wonderful TWISC member Mary Dalgety so it became a doubly sad day. On that trip back to Brisbane we spent some time with our oldest and dearest friend Scott Campbell and his wife Nicola and kids. Scott's mother June had also just passed away and her funeral was the day before Nana's. 3 funerals in 7 days is a tad too much to handle but as luck would have it Lyndon was in Cairns for the refit of a Tongan navy vessel but had to fly to Brisbane for emergency dental work. He could not make the funerals but was there for support for us all, for one night atleast. It was also a chance to see family that we had not seen for a few years.

The 3 stooges - Scott, Lyndon and Ian (Jodie's brother in law)

Jodie and Nicola

Scott with his God children, Emily and Jodies' sisters son, Lucais

Cousins - Emily, Dylan, Thomas and Lucais

Dylan and Emily with Nan, Lyndons' mum Alison

Playing in Grandma's pool

Emily and Dylan with Grandma, Jodies' mum Helen

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