Finally after weeks of upsets it was time to see who would have to wait another four years to make the finals? We all mustered at Dom and Hannah's place and were quiet surprised to see they had actually put up an Ozzy sign not a bad start seeing it was supposed to be a BLACK OUT! Due to the lateness of the game we had a few no shows but the core of us turned up to give each other a good old ribbing! Friends, nibbles and beers what else do you need for a good game of RA-RA?
Again a change of outfits, but green and gold was the main theme for us Ozzies. Sadly though between us we don't actually own an Ozzy jersey. But we do have 2 Tongan ones now??
And in the All Black corner - The Walton-France's.
With decorations out and the pre-amble on we were all ready for the big (true) "Finals" game.
The kids are getting very confident at the Anthem.
The family that stands together, sings together.
After a shocker of a kick off the Ozzies finally get the ball back. Down in front!
No gambling in Tonga but Tomasi had a few bases covered.
Dom couldn't sit still the entire game. Star jumps, push ups and I think he also sat in every seat for a second or two.
Everyone was on tender hooks for the first period.
For some the game was just too long after a big weekend.
Em made the first 60 min, shame the Wallabies didn't.
24 years in the making but Dom there is still one more game!
Another four years. As we pointed out last time.
Luckily Lyndon strategically placed a few 4XGolds around the house, just to remind the Kiwi's we were there!
Have you found them all DOM?????