Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Whales have arrived!

This week, amongst a few other activities we were lucky enough to see the arrival of the whales here in our own back yard, Tongatapu. We caught this first sighting in Piha passage after a handy tip off from Tony and Eva on their way across from Eua Island. We spent about 1/2 hr with this whale before heading back in. Jodie had 10 minutes notice to get the kids down to the boat, what an experience too.

Like a big hand waving hello.

He also put on an aerial show right in front of us. Mark and Linda were also on board and what a great memory to take away, Linda was beside herself.

Jodie with hopefully her first of the season close encounter, the kids were our spotters on the roof of the boat. They also suggested after the jumps that we move a little further away.

The new kids on the block, Cooper and Jade. The kids are having a ball together they even conned the locals Toot's and Em into a night swim, in winter? This was during our Compound welcoming for the Esler's on Wednesday night.

Friday lunchtime the Box hill Band came to the Base to put on a show for the TDS.

They caught them in the middle of guard training for the Kings Birthday, bit of a contrast M16 and flutes.

Friday night saw the official farewell from the TDS for Mark and Linda which also included the welcoming of the Esler's. Mark and the Brigadier share a port in memory of his time in Tonga.

Mark and Linda at the head table.

The new DCP crew, (Major Mal Bishop, Mark (departing next week), Sam, LCDR Ben Esler and me.

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