Sunday, July 17, 2011

"The Pelagic Princesses"

The pelagic princesses was the name the girls came up with for the this years fishing club Ladies Day competition. So after gathering the team - Jodie, Karen and Lola with both Mal and Lyndon as the skipper/deckhands/cabana boys it was a simple matter of dressing up the boat, and the girls then all that remained was catching a fish(between drinks). A great day was had so enjoy the photo's because we sure did enjoy the day!

The girls dressing up Satisfaction with scales.

Eventually we were all ready bust and all. The comp started at 0700 but we departed at a respectful time for the Ladies of 0830.

Not seconds after Lyndon finished the "This is a gimble " speech Karen was on to her first game fish, what a great start to the day.

22min later Karen had landed her first ever - Bull Mahi Mahi.

After a long day of avoiding the rough weather and what seemed the fish too Mal and I managed to ensure that the girls didn't spill too much of their wine. Amazingly we were also joined by a set of whales for a short period.

Our little Mermaids even made it in for a relaxing splash during the heat of the mid day sun.

Introducing Princess Jodie, tiara and all with her one true love. But to Lyndon's dismay and even after this magical days fishing it's not the rod but the wine!

Before our return into the harbour for weigh in we stopped to set the boat up for our grand entrance. The Tongan's on the rock wall had no idea, crazy palangi's.

"The Pelagic Princesses" with bust all lashed in. We were ready to make our approach.

Safely back to alongside. Although the girls still had their sway on when they got off the jetty.

The girls joined Karen and her 9.4Kg Mahi Mahi. Then it was only a matter of waiting for another nerveous hour to see if any one else had bumped her off her throne.

Best of freinds again, Jodie and Eva were no longer enemies now that the comp was over. Jodie had lots of Love for everyone.

The girls won the best dressed prize.

Also Karen took out the top prize for her catch and to top it off due to it's size we also picked up Best boat. Not that they needed any more liquor.

Jodie even picked up a leg of Lamb in the raffles, which we reminded her about in the morning.

The girls at the Bar with some more of their clean sweep spoils.

We have finally found a good use for Dom's boat "Blah Blah AKA Garden Gnome" as a fender for Satisfaction. All aboard and we were off to the Navy base to unpack until next year hey girls?

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