Monday, July 11, 2011

A busy July begins!

It seems this July will be even more social than last year with the usual Kings celebrations and the departure of the MSA and some of the Fab 5 girls. The kids finally finished another school term and Emily even picked up a certificate for constantly showing the virtues of the past term. Lyndon has been busy down at the base, as a few of his electricians have finally returned from Afghanistan, advancement courses in Australia and Sam is still away. We started July off with an unusually late down pouring of rain but great to top up the water tanks and the kids loved playing out in the mud.

Em with her class certificate.

Mele and Passi wiring up the Dive store, in true Tongan style (no rush as we have no divers).

Linda Burling ( the departing boss' wife and our neighbour) had a final TWISC lunch at Pot Luck, Hosted by Margaret Bath.

We even managed to find someone willing to let us crash their house at 1130 at night to watch the QLDer's get up in the state of origin, thanks to the Five Fine's.

Mark receiving a presento from the RSM (Phillipe) at a small Navy only farewell function at the Base.

The boss winged it for his speech and still managed to make it shorter than the Tongan ones.

Mark showing off his war club to the Brigadier and Linda.

In Tonga, a way you can tell you've been appreciated is whether or not you have a pig at your feast, Mark got two pigs! They were needed too, as four hours sitting around a kava bowl drinking both beer and kava made Lyndon a little hungry. Not to mention a little numb around the face.

While Lyndon was at the MSA's function, Jodie had her own TWISC function which she had organised, a SUNSET Cruise on 'Deep Blue Cruises'. Our cunning plan was to meet up at the fishing club after we had finished.

It was the perfect night, not a breath of wind and smooth as a babies bum!

Some of the girls out on the front deck as the cruised up and down the city lights.

The left over crowd from the cruise at the fishing club but they couldn't wait for Lyndon to take this shot, he did arrive just a little late.

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