Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Kings Military Celebrations.

The Kings Military Birthday celebrations consisted of two functions, the Military Parade in the morning followed by the function at HMNB Masefeild. Preparations for the parade have been going on for months. At times, driving Sam and I a little crazy too as no one is available to conduct defect maintenance. Practice was conducted at the base and they marked out the entire field with sand to ensure not one foot went wrong for His Majesty. Another outfit for Jodie and we were ready. The kids got to come along so they were also wrapped. It's not every day you get to sit so close to Royalty, hope Jodie is getting used to it though, as we have a few years left on the Island. The King inspected the guard and did an entire lap of the troops in an old NZ Defence Force Land Rover which is in pristine condition. On completion we also managed to get a few shots of the Ozzy contingent (with a few ring ins) in front of the King's grand stand. Everyone involved did a great job and obviously all the training was warranted. The kids especially enjoyed the Military band.

Full dress rehearsal at HMNB Masefeild.

230 odd members in the guard and even my panoramic couldn't fit them in.
His Majesty in his military uniform (white pith hat) with the Queen mother on his right.

The Q tribe only meters away from Royalty!

His Majesty inspecting the guard.

His Majesty saluting the international military contingency.

Dylan getting up close with the military band.

The land division of the Tongan Defense Services marching past.

Bring on the Navy boys, very sharp.

King George Tupou IV Royal crest on our seats.

The Commander of the Tongan Defense Services in the center with other guests.

The Ozzy contingency and a few extra ring in's.

After the parade, and the completion of the King's Birthday Luncheon, (A separate blog in itself) the military celebration recommenced at Touliki Base. We had dropped the kids off again and Jodie was in outfit No.3 for the day as we all headed down to the Base for drinks and a more relaxed performance by the Military band. As this was the final function for the weekend long celebrations they went on a little longer than expected. The boys around the Kava bowl were in fine form with some traditional singing and plenty of Kava flowing. Lyndon saw fit to keep with the beer this time round leaving to the boys to relax. In all, it was a great way to end a massive weekend of functions and such an eye opener that we were so lucky to be a part of.

The final outfit for us both with the Kava hut set up behind us.

The Band conducting a more up beat song which also included traditional dancers, all members from the TDS.

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