Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 2 Pangiamotu Island Walk

Day two and after a BBQ breakfast at home it was off to the Navy base to start the car ferry service down to the departure point for our low tide walk from Nuku'alofa mainland across the sea grass bed over to Pangiamotu. Two car loads full (Tongan style) and we met up with all the other keen walkers (about 35 in all) and we were ready to go. It took about an hour all up with plenty to see on the way, foraging pigs, sea slugs, star fish and lots of crazy kids. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the snorkeling, wreck jumping and general relaxing. A couple of luxury boats anchored during the day which also added an element of refinement. Lyndon did ferry rides back to the Navy base for everyone via the luxury boats for a close up view. As usual for Pangi the day ended with sunset drinks at the Fishing club followed by take away Korean, with heaps of MSG which really gets the ticker going. After the hectic two days Helen and Jeff boarded a plane early Monday morning for a week up at Vava'u for a spot of real whale watching and some "alone" time.

Ferrying Tongan style.

The crew heading out on our big adventure.

Em and the girls in search of star fish.

As we headed over we started to spread out across the flats.

Lyndon lugging the swimming gear over to Pangi (in the background).

Hurry up the tide is coming in!

Drinks all round after the strenuous walk, Not.

Helen heading out for a spot of snorkeling.

Do we look relaxed?

Supposedly Russell Crows boat? But the bloke below told us that!

Mr Tommy Tippee moves up to Elmo hats.

The usual crowds for sunset drinks. Departure time - Closing of coarse.

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