Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jeff & Helen's Visit Day1 (our friends from Gladstone)

Arriving 2 days late due to unscheduled stop overs in LA and Auckland, Helen & Jeff finally arrived on our door step, our first official visitors to the Kingdom of Tonga. Time was short so with the weather on our side and after 3 hours sleep the boys headed out for a fish, sadly it was still a little too rough for young Dylan. We did manage to bring home a feed though. We also trawled home via a few of the Islands to show Jeff that it ain't all hard work out here.

Whilst the boys were out, the girls slept in then headed to the local markets and breakfast at the cafe to meet some of Jodie's friends. Luckily for Helen the final street parade was on for the Heilala festival. Helen mentioned she thought she was back in the US of A with all the brass bands. After the parade had passed it was off to the other flea market. The girls also dropped into the local fish market, shame there is no refrigeration or way to tell how long it has been out on the table though. Helen got some great shots though.

A local school brass bands making its way up the street.One of the floats coming down the main drag.

Cockles anyone? Recycle bag with those?

Fresh fish- again how fresh? Love the tongues though.
Kina, locals reckon it's similar to oysters. The kids think booggers!
Muddies, the big ones (biggest) are always on the top.
Finally into the stalls and there was the chook man but with a puwaka (pig) in the middle today.
Next event on the program was to pick up the girls in the boat, refill the esky and grab a few other friends for a Quirky's uninteresting whale spotting expedition. There could have been whales but because the esky was full the only poor sole looking out seemed to be the driver. Never the less it was a beautiful flat afternoon followed by an awesome sunset. So Lyndon changed the tour name to Quirky's interesting sunset cruise. In addition to make the boys all happy, he also dragged a line behind the boat.
Anyone see a whale back there?
Lyndon and his two loves. Maybe three - the ocean, fishing and Jodie.
Family shot with Emily in her usual cruising position of sleeping.
The girls with Bubbles in hand and a sunset to admire.
Introducing Mr Tommy Tippee aka Lincoln (Ian), no glass on the boat and this was the best cup he could come up with
Cruise over, it was time to drop the kids off with John and Annie for the night so after a few cocktails it was out to dinner at a local restaurant and a few minutes of clubbing before everything shuts for church at midnight.

Girlfriends all ready for bed I think.

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