Monday, April 26, 2010

Talisker Bounty Boat 2010 Expedition

On April 28th 1789 William Bligh and 18 men were cast adrift during the Mutiny on HMS Bounty and then set sail from Tonga to Timor, a 4000 mile, 48 day voyage. This April 28, Don McIntyre and his crew of 3 will recreate this epic voyage, launching from Tofua(Ha'apai) on the same day at the same time and in the same place, 221 years after the original mutiny journey. This seven week expedition - in a 25ft long, 7ft wide, open wood vessel will see the crew facing the same deprivations as the original crew and using the same primitive equipment for survival. (i.e. no toilet paper or torches and only minimal food and water).

In charge of this re-creation is Don McIntyre. An amazing Australian adventurer who has sailed around the world in the 1990 BOC Challenge Solo around the world yacht race, lived with his wife at Sir Douglas Mawson's Hut in the Antarctic for 1 year and the first to fly around Australia in an open cockpit ultra-light Gyro-copter, 13000km in 20 days. He has put together a crew of 3 other crazy like minded men to accompany him and all the while will raise money for The Sheffield Institute Foundation for Motor Neurone Disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Flying into the Kingdom of Tonga on 12 April, Don and his crew hit the ground running with a press conference at the Tonga Visitors Bureau (Ministry of Tourism) and then 5 hectic days of getting his boat ready and gathering supplies. This expedition has had press coverage all around the world and has certainly brought Tonga into the public eye. Don and his crew reported at their official launch and farewell on April 19 that Tonga is definitely the friendly island and will now hold a special place in his heart for the warm welcome and all the assistance they have received since their arrival. At a special audience with the King of Tonga, George Tupou V, Don presented the King with a bound journal containing a copy of the original transcripts from William Bligh's logbook from his voyage.

Jodie, Emily and Dylan were lucky enough to be part of history in the making when they attended the official launch and farewell of the replica "Mutiny on the Bounty" Expedition. After an official welcome by the Prime Minister and a Blessing by the Chaplain for Seafarers Mission, the crew were entertained by traditional dancers and presented with authentic traditional Tongan fishing implements. The crew are making a documentary of their preparations starting in Tonga and of the voyage itself which will include the launch that we attended. We look forward to tracking their journey and pray they arrive in Timor safely, (especially after seeing first hand what they are sailing in) and will be able to do so by following their blog on So, if you like a bit of history and adventure log on to see what all the fuss is about and make a contribution to a worthy cause whilst you are at it. Additional information and first hand reports by the crew can be found at which also contains pictures of Emily and Dylan at the launch.

L - R at official launch, front row-Prime Minister of Tonga Hon. Dr Feleti Sevele, HE Ms Christine Bogle, New Zealand High Commissioner, HE Dr Bruce Hunt, Australian High Commissioner
Crew of Talisker Bounty Boat, Don McIntyre second from Left.

Emily and Dylan onboard

Olden day equipment they will use on the voyage to get close to the hardships of the original voyage as possible

Inside the vessel, not very big for 4 men

The rudder

The crew rowing away from Touliki Naval Base with Chris filming the departure for the documentary
Still rowing, with a long way to go, out into the harbour back to Atata to complete their preparations for departure on 28 April

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