Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Weekend at White Sands

With Lyndon away in Australia our usual Easter camping trip was just not going to happen so we did the next best thing: a weekend away back to White Sands Beach Resort. The weather in Tonga had been dreadful with plenty of rain threatening to spoil our weekend, we didn't mind though as it beat sitting at home. We were lucky enough that it only rained overnight on the Friday and for 2 hours on the Saturday at lunchtime, apparently back in town it just didn't stop. Again, we had the place to ourselves until the Sat arvo so we made the most of it exploring around the rock faces looking for crabs, having hermit crab races and ghost crab hunting. Dylan tried a spot of fishing but to no avail because at high tide, it was just to rough to do anything, we didn't even snorkel this weekend but had a great time relaxing anyway. The Easter bunny found out where the kids were early Sunday morning and even paid a visit, bless him.

The beach at high tide, a tad windy this particular day

The beach at low tide where you can walk out to the ocean front

Each afternoon at low tide we walked along the rock face on the shore line to either side of the resort until we got to the next beach with plenty of fish, coral, crabs, sea stars, sea cucumbers to be found. Emily was in charge of this days expedition.

Priscilla, the house girl, searches for kina at low tide which they eat raw, Dylan and Emily went along to help, this filled in 2 hours of an afternoon.

Dylan with some of his catch.

Some coral we found along the way.

A beautiful little swimming hole exposed at low tide.

Dylan in swimming hole.

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