Friday, April 23, 2010

School Holidays in Tonga

The last two weeks have been school holidays for the kids and luckily enough, a school holiday program for 3 days per week, was organised by one of the mums to keep the kids occupied. Held at her home, the kids were supervised by 4 fantastic Tongan teenagers who had them doing everything from cooking, kite making, movie making and swimming/sport competitions. They were exhausted every night and had a ball. In between days, the kids had friends over to play and we also managed to go out for lunch a few days to treat ourselves. (Alas, no shopping centres here). We also participated in the World Health Organisation's "Ride for Life". The 7.5 km ride around the township (with approximately 40 other keen bike riders) took about 30 mins and apart from a stack for Emily and Dylan, we managed to get back in one piece, Jodie even managed not to come in last.

This is Ruhua after the kids got to her in the pool
Some of the kids and their carers Ebony (front in purple shirt) and Mercy (at back with fuzzy hair)

Dylan and his mate Zayne

Tyler, Georgia and Emily getting zombie costumes ready for the movie they were making

Snap shot of those who participated in the bike ride (Emily has the lime green bike in front and Dylan's is the orange bike in front)

Jodie and Emily before the ride

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