Monday, February 18, 2013

Hawaii - Oahu General Activities

After much planning and many consultations with Hawaii devotees the Wilko's, Bishops and Campbell's, we put together a little holiday that would hopefully include the best of everything Hawaii had to offer, keep everyone happy and not break the budget. In an attempt to cover it all we split up our time over the 4 main islands and then went back to Waikiki for 3 days of RNR before flying back to Tonga. There are way too many activities to include in each blog so we have decided to just do a general one for each of the islands and then one each for some of the favourite activities.

Yes, he who can sleep anywhere, was not missing any opportunity to get some 40 winks. We left Tonga at 5pm on a Tuesday night, spent 6 hrs at Nandi, Fiji airport, then got on the plane to Hawaii at midnight for a 10 hr flight

Half way through they wake us up at sunrise for a fuel stop at Christmas Island

Flying into Christmas Island

This is the immigration transit lounge, stinking hot and very small, at least it was only for 1 hr

Finally, off we go again and onto Hawaii

Our first view of Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Ohau Island, very much like the strip on the Gold Coast

Yee ha, look out here we come

Lunch on the first day at Waikiki Beach just checking it all out

Sunset from our hotel balcony

There are many statues along the foreshore idolising famous Hawaiians. This one is in honour of all Hawaiian surfers

Sunset on Waikiki Beach, we were off for an evening stroll to find some dinner

We took the Wilko's advice and found Margaritaville for some smashing Margaritas and a too die for chocolate volcano dessert. (Although the one in Las Vegas is way better)

Time for a spot of surfing memorabilia, off to Dukes for dinner on another night, thanks Soupy for the heads up!

Just chillin in the sea at Waikiki

On the way back to the hotel we found the Duke Kahanamoku statue, the man credited with creating the surfing movement. He was also a 5 time Olympic medalist for swimming.

Just one of the many parties set up on Waikiki Beach, BYO everything and you have to be way early to get a good spot

Catching the trolley to the Alamoana Centre - yeh shopping for me

The Wilko's Farewell

The revolving door that is Tonga, swung out another set of friends in October with the departure of Jenny and Paul Wilkinson. Jenny had been my very supportive Vice President of TWISC over the last 2 years and Paul is our go to man for party entertainment, with his legendary Elvis impersonations. It was a fun night and, as usual, a late and rowdy one.

Hanging out in the back yard with the girls

Always smiling, Jenny and Paul

Quiet, reflective drinks for Mal, Sal, Lyndon and Sione...NOT!

Go the King,  we will miss those moves....Thank you very much!!!

The Wilko's and Quirkes

Group hug time, Karen, Jodie, Emily

Saying goodbye to Jenny and Paul, with Mal and Karen, just one more time at a farewell breakfast at Friend's Cafe.. where else!

Nana Marks' Funeral

My Nana was a wonderful lady who, on the 26th of September, 2012 at 94 years of age, decided enough was enough. She had a stroke in July and was hospital bound since then trying all sorts of therapy to get well. Unfortunately after a fall in the hospital, things went down hill and she did not recover. Nana passed away with her daughter Helen (my mum) and her daughter in law Desley (my aunt) by her side. Nana wasn't into fuss and wanted a quiet but graceful send off and that is exactly what she got. Up until her stroke she was fully independent helping out at the Senior Citizens centre where she always joked about helping the "oldies" (many of them were way younger than her) and she was a devoted member of her church. Having grown up and living her entire life in the same area, many people came to say farewell and send her off with her favourite hymns and bible readings.

This picture of Nana was taken at my wedding to Lyndon in 1999. Yellow roses were her favourites and there was one rose for each member of the family to take home in rememberence.

On one side of the church was my sister Belinda and her family in the first row, followed by my cousins and their families, the other side was packed with friends from Nanas' church.

Giving my speech would have to be the hardest thing I have done so far in my life.

Jodie, Belinda, Ian, Emily, Thomas, Lucais and Dylan after the service.

My mum Helen, with some of the people she knew from school and who she had not seen in many, many years.

All of Nana's great grand children, (except one, who is only 2 and didn't come to the funeral)

Heidi (married to my cousin Danny), Mum, Me, Belinda, Aunty Desley and cousin Lisa

Nana's son, my Uncle Dennis (far right) with some friends and my cousins Danny and Murray

The boys before heading to the bowls club for a quiet, reflective drink.

The grand kids playing at Nanas house for the last time

Catching Up with Family & Friends in Brisbane

2012 was a shit year for many of our friends as they too lost a loved one. It is never easy to say goodbye but it does help to have the love, support and friendship of others going through the same thing. Jodie and the kids flew back to Brisbane in late September for the funeral of her grandma Alice Marks. On the day Nana died, Jodie was at the funeral of a wonderful TWISC member Mary Dalgety so it became a doubly sad day. On that trip back to Brisbane we spent some time with our oldest and dearest friend Scott Campbell and his wife Nicola and kids. Scott's mother June had also just passed away and her funeral was the day before Nana's. 3 funerals in 7 days is a tad too much to handle but as luck would have it Lyndon was in Cairns for the refit of a Tongan navy vessel but had to fly to Brisbane for emergency dental work. He could not make the funerals but was there for support for us all, for one night atleast. It was also a chance to see family that we had not seen for a few years.

The 3 stooges - Scott, Lyndon and Ian (Jodie's brother in law)

Jodie and Nicola

Scott with his God children, Emily and Jodies' sisters son, Lucais

Cousins - Emily, Dylan, Thomas and Lucais

Dylan and Emily with Nan, Lyndons' mum Alison

Playing in Grandma's pool

Emily and Dylan with Grandma, Jodies' mum Helen