Monday, April 23, 2012

The return of The Kings body to Tonga

A few days after the passing of the King everything was in motion. The Chinese government had organised a plane to return the Kings' body and the associated dignitaries. From day one the Tongan Defence Services began guard training for all of the ceremonies. Local villages cleaned the entire island. Who was organising it we will probably never know but it all happened like clock work. First off was the return of the Kings body, all of Tonga lined the streets from the airport to the Royal palace where the body would lay in state for 1 day. Every school in Tonga was given a section of street to line in single rows. The teachers gave the kids lessons in how the kids have to sit and they are not allowed to look at the vehicle and body when it passes, eyes must be looking downward out of respect. The school told the kids to be at their position in town at 0900 yet the body didn't even arrive in country until 1.30pm but the real kicker was that no one was allowed to wear hats, sunglasses or have umberella's and it was a stinker of a day. The kids started scavenging scraps of cardboard to protect their butts while they sat on the hot bitumen all day. The kids showed amazing discipline as there is no way you'd ever see the control these kids showed back in Australia.

All the girls had to wear kiekie's, Dyl got out of it easily with his black arm band.

Some of the Ocean of Light teachers.

A lot of the schools marched in from their schools to line the streets this is Tupou High students.
Ocean of Light outside the post office, Emily is second from left.

Looking back up the main street.

Some of the local community in the shade of the Raintree.

The teachers giving the kids the run down on proceedings.
This is the traditional mourning outfit worn by most Tongans.
They sat all day and still they smiled.

We got cheeky during the middle of the day and gave Em some shade and as she is a Palangi she didn't get into trouble.
The Bishop girls and Jenny coming to join us. (Anyone would think the parade was for them as they strolled down the middle of the road)

John McKee even joined the kids on the side of the road. He reckons this is the only time we'll ever see him in All Black colours too.
The police indicated the cavalcade was on it's way.

As soon as the vehicle was in sight all eyes were down (bar mine taking photos)
This is the Kings vehicle and escort. Some families even lined the street with Tapa mats for them to drive over. King George was followed by the new King Tupou VI, then members of the Royal family, parliment and High Commissioners and representatives of other nations followed in cars behind.

All day waiting and all over in minutes, finally it was time to head home.
Jodie sat back in the shade during the day and luckily Lyndon thought a camping chair for her was a good idea.
Lyndon and the Defence Attache (DA) CMDR Peter Steel even made the event with the families.

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