Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ocean of Light Meet the New King

With the new King - King Tupou VI taking over, each village, church group and school take their turn at meeting him and making an offering. Jodie joined Ocean of Light when they presented their offerings. Each child was asked to supply an ufi (yam), (bigger than their hand, the bigger the better) and the remainder of the Bahi community chipped in with pigs, clams, tapa and kahoa.

 As there was a chance of Jodie actually meeting the King she decided to do the right thing and go in traditional dress.

 Emily and her offering.

 Dyl and his offering, see it is a root vegetable.

 The kids sat patiently in this waiting area beside the Kings residence.

 This is the meeting area at the back of the Kings residence.

King Tupou VI looked very comfortable and would need to as this event went on for nearly two weeks.

After a little while the OOL kids were up.

The senior students began the offerings with Kahoa. (flower necklaces)

 The walls were covered in previous offerings.
 Tapa was next, large traditional floor or wall mats.

This is the next lot of people with their offerings.

 All the offerings are laid out on display.

 Shell fish of all sorts are popular. We were horrified to see these poor clam shells, knowing how long they take to grow.

No Tongan offering would be complete without a few Pig's. Check out the big fella in the centre.

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