After months of talk the Inaugural event at Pangimotu finally eventuated, some how Rochelle and Sal pulled off a miracle and conned Jodie into becoming the "official Race Director" we also took BLAH BLAH over as the rescue tender. In all we had 70 odd competitors with events covering everything from V12 races, V6 races (male, female & mixed), individuals, kids and novice. The final event was an endurance race with change outs in front of the crowd, very entertaining. It was a perfect Pangi day and Big Mumma also put on a BBQ for lunch time refreshments. I don't think the Pangi beach has seen this much action in ages.
Owen opened the Day with a prayer. Jodie was easy to spot in her officially too orange top.
Some Waka tradition Blessing the canoes.
This also included a minutes silence for the King, as he was the one who donated the two waka's.
We had a sprint course set up along the foreshore. The V12 races are timed as there aren't enough hulls at present. If you ask Sal & Rochelle "Watch this space"
With so many people and watercraft along the beach it made for a very family orientated day.
Off and racing in the V6 sprints.
Between races the Bishops dropped in for a hello and Dyl chased Nemo around for something different.
Sal showing he is a man of many talents with a little impromptu lip sinking karaoke
During Lunch Sal presented Charles with a gift from the club prior to his departure as a thank you for his efforts as a founding member.
Emily and the girls heading back in after beating the boy crew.
Rochelle taking the novice people through the basics.
Simply backing out was entertaining enough with the novice section but a great fun race as well. Some people paddled for sheep stations other to simply stay above water. You know which section you feel within.
The final event of the day was an endurance race with a few change outs. Out with the old.
In with the new. Very entertaining and if you don't make it in it's double trouble when the now 5 person waka returns.
Shayne's fuel tank was on empty but the smile says it all. Go hard or Go home!
Althea enjoying one of her last Pangi days.
A couple of races wasn't enough for Dyl he just kept on going all day.
The end of day Team photo. Great job race director. When is the next event Rochelle?
Nothing like a Tongan style ferry to return every one to the safety of the mainland. No overloading here?