Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shenzhen Oriental Elements visit Tonga

During the week we had another Chinese dance group visit and this time they were even better than the last. They were a little more modern and as usual we all had our own favourite's. Dylan was the Fan magician, Em the dancer's (especially in the Green outfits), Jodie the balancing 12 year old and Lyndon........... all the girl dancers - of course!!!! But really, the balance performers were amazing! The guest of honor was the Princess and our friend Sia was the MC again as he speaks all three languages, English, Tongan and Chinese.

They opened with a Red ribbon group dance.

An example of the Lantern dance. Guest who had the camera?

These hat jugglers just kept pulling new tricks out of their hat. Ha ha.

This bloke worked his way up to this near impossible finale.

This girl is 12 years old and her performance went for 5+ minutes balancing on only one hand, even changing hands several times.

The performers from the "Lifting Your Bridal Veil" dance.

Amazing!!! These guys performed every move in slow motion and got one of the biggest applauses for their efforts.

Em's favourite dancer and not only because she is wearing green.

The "Fan Magician" had most people stumped as they just kept appearing from nowhere.

Luckily the Magician had an awesome assistant. It doesn't always pay to know the MC hey Dylan.

This was the final dance from a province in China that has so much silver they apparently wear it on all their costumes.

The Magician and our monkies.

The group shot with the Princess and Dupty Prime Minister in the centre. Sia squeezed in on the back right.

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