Thursday, September 29, 2011

On The SPOT - Stage Freight (Dedicated 2 Dance)

Semester 3 of the girls modern dance classes with Ruha and Iona saw them perform in the public performance of Stage Freight, again. They simply love it and it always proves to be a very entertaining evening. The boys even joined in this semester and the community support continues to grow. This time round the theme was "Dedicated 2 Dance" from traditional, classical expressionism, modern and even rap. It was a double celebration for some as it also fell on the WHO's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bloke!!!!

Fahu (AKA The Rock, The Who or whatever he wants at his size) enjoying the entertainment and dancing on the inside, so he tells us!

Sia was front and centre again as MC . The kids were warming up in the background.

Em leading the pack for a section.

These boys did the girls Ta'alunga, perfectly I might add but it was the lighter side of the Hawaiian Hula dancers.

Ruha & Iona performed the Hula dance.

This dance crew even managed to fit a Hakka into their street dancing.

Another street crew who have a pretty big name in Tonga winning a number of local events.

The On The SPOT crew doing their bit for the night.

All the performers for the night.

Introducing the entire On The SPOT Creative Kids Class.

Em and Mu look like they walked straight out of the 80's!!

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