Wednesday, July 7, 2010

2010 (Tongan) Olympic Day

Saturday morning started early for the Quirke tribe and friends with the exception of Dad as he got a sleep in with no ride on. Instead we headed down to the esplanade for the start of the Olympic Day fun run/walk/ride event. We opted for the 5km event along the fore shore which being a marketi day made for an even more interesting trip. After the speeches, prayer's, group warm up and staggered start we were off. We were even colour co-ordinated in our Olympic colours and Jodie said it was an unconscious decision when she picked out our shirts. Team Q

The crowds converge on the starting gate, footy teams and all
Cyclists were out the gate first but not everyone was riding for coconut plantations. Sorry no sheep here.

Just picking up some supplies Tongan style
From corn to coconuts but not much in between

Steve our favourite wood carver with a Kava bowl

BBQ chicken Tongan style, yep even wood fired.

Mum and Dyl hitting half way and Em and Dad on the return.

Spicing it up with a wall run on the return leg.
Mum and Dyl crossing the Finish Line
So what do you do after some exercise?
Archery of coarse.
Not bad arrows either Dyl. Uncle Mat and Lilly would be proud.

The matching family colours after a great day out.

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