Thursday, March 18, 2010

Jodie's 40th Birthday

Jodie celebrated her 40th birthday over the weekend of 12-13 March. The family spent the Friday/Saturday at White Sands Beach Resort at Fo'ui on the West side of the island. Arriving at 2 in the afternoon we had the whole place to ourselves as it is a private beach resort (not open to day visitors) with only 6 bungalows and no other guests were due to check in until the next morning. It was glorious, we snorkeled, explored, had fish and chips and pizza on the beach to watch the sun go down and the kids went ghost crab hunting, which was hilarious, then we had some bubbles under the stars. Pancakes for brekkie then off to do some more snorkeling and exploring. A beautiful short break before coming home Sat arvo to get ready for the "Cocktail Carnival" birthday party.

We had about 30 people over for the party which started at 6pm with the last guest leaving at 2am. A local restaurant did the catering and Jodie did the cocktails (Pina Colada's and Mango Dacquairi's). With plenty of activities to keep the kids busy, the adults keep occupied with darts, pool and drinkies. Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes, cards and gifts, a fun time was had by all.

White Sandy Beach at Fo'ui

Dinner at sunset
Our bungalow

View from our bed in the bungalow

Our rock couch which turned into a little spa every time a wave came in, nothing but uninterrupted views straight out to sea

Emily's secret beach cove along the foreshore. Dylan found a sea snake skin on the rocks along the way.

Jodie's Birthday pressie - a pool table which kept the adults busy at the party while the kids played in the jumping castle

Chocolate mud cake for dessert, Dylan helped make it and Emily decorated it, YUMMY!

Jodie at 3am, the last cocktail (Pina Colada) before bed time

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