Thursday, January 7, 2010

Malo from Tonga

The Quirke's leaving 7 Marvin for our adventure!

Hello All
Just a quick one to say we got here safe and sound on Tuesday night. The kids did a great job with all day travelling - there is definately something to be said about business class - especially for me with Charles Heidseick champers at 9am and the whole duration of the flight (don't wory I only had 2 from Brissy to Auckland and 2 from Auckland to Tonga).
No dramas except Qantas forgot to transfere Lyndon straight throught on the second leg so we nearly had to leave without him - all worked out in the end.
Tonga is part what you see in the brochure and part not but the people lovely, I have already had my first coffee outing, we had a welcome dinner in the compound to meet the other 2 families here, Lyndon is already at the TonganMens Club for a nite on the piss tonight and our first offical function is Wednesday night with a meet and greet dinner at the Australian Embassy. Dylan even went to vacation care today with the little girl next door and had a great day. Last night we even went on a Hash Harrier walk for 1hr - a bit hard after 2 weeks living it up in a hotel for xmas and new year.

Anyway all our stuff arrived in the sea container yesterday and I have spent all day unpacking so I am exhausted - only one broken glass which was great, kids are happy all of their stuff is here to play with even though the compound has a huge playground and pool.
We are settling in well and will update after the busy weekend ahead

I having a feeling this is going to be a great 3 years so start saving your pennies if you want to visit especially as July is the peak season with whale watching


Love from the Quirkes

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear the family is doing well. I have signed up on (boydie in cairns) Had replies on the sea container and in the w/e post could not see any people looking for one. Will keep looking. We have had some heavy rain and all is good at the house. Will have to get the weed killer out again. The Cross's will be picking up the fish and toys this weekend. We have started our open house this weekend for the next 7 weeks. Lets hope we get a buyer. You will have to give us your postal address and the phone number when time permits. Happy unpacking and will check this weekend on any more news. Love to you all (boydie in cairns)
