Thursday, September 29, 2011
On The SPOT - Stage Freight (Dedicated 2 Dance)
Semester 3 of the girls modern dance classes with Ruha and Iona saw them perform in the public performance of Stage Freight, again. They simply love it and it always proves to be a very entertaining evening. The boys even joined in this semester and the community support continues to grow. This time round the theme was "Dedicated 2 Dance" from traditional, classical expressionism, modern and even rap. It was a double celebration for some as it also fell on the WHO's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bloke!!!!
Fahu (AKA The Rock, The Who or whatever he wants at his size) enjoying the entertainment and dancing on the inside, so he tells us!
Sia was front and centre again as MC . The kids were warming up in the background.
Em leading the pack for a section.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A mixed bag of activities
With Master Paul and the rest of the visitors due in a couple of weeks for gradings it was time for our yearly clean-up around the Judo hall. This was a whole day event with people dropping in when they could. We decided to continue on with the clean up Tonga theme at the kids aquathon and collected rubbish from around the American wharf, mainly broken beer bottles though.
It's not a slum, our hall is the one on the right but most of the rubbish comes from the buildings on the left. So after some "Bob the Builder" action (on the main doors) to keep the local kids out we should be all good until the next cyclone rips the doors off again.
No need for a mower when you have 9 &10 year old kids with bush knives!
Ruha, Fasi and Em getting some lunch ready. Like the can opener?
While we were working, Jodie escaped us Saturday night for Bobbett's Hens night.
We've had a few new additions to the garden, Sweet corn and snow peas.
It's been such a crazy week of weather with the usual sun then nearly 100mm of rain and on a Hash night too.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Rugby World Cup Fever hits TONGA supporting the 'IKALE TAHI
Tonga is a small nation with approximately 120 000 people, but boy can they be loud and proud when excited. In the last 3 weeks leading up to tonights Opening Ceremony, the parliment in Tonga has declared "Red Friday" to support the 'IKALE TAHI, the Tongan World Cup Rugby Team. From government departments, schools, commerical enterprises big and small, the local shops, houses, hotels, cars, buses, trucks, parks and the pubs - everyone has jumped on the red band wagon. It is wonderful to be part of such excitment. Cars are covered in balloons tooting their horns when they see a similar vehicle, and groups of Tongans start singing and dancing when they come across another group of similarily attired people. The team even has its own song which has been played non stop on the radio. Our friend "Rugby John" is the technical advisor on the coaching staff and he left with the team on Monday, with hundreds of supporters at the airport to see them off. His wife Jen (O.D.D.) and the kids have left to join him and we are very jealous.
The NZ news has shown continous coverage of the team arriving in Auckland, greeted by even more hundreds of Tongan fans up to the kilt in red and white. Some have even declared Auckland the new Tonga town. Everyone here is very proud of them all and only hope in the opening match tonight against the All Blacks that they get some points on the board. Good Luck and Go! 'Ikale Tahi GO!
1. Dressing up the Tonga Water Board office, 2. this house is typical of the support banners around town, 3. the RED army hanging around town signing the team song.
1. This is typical on the streets at the moment, 2. trucks and vans all dressed up and the flag waving. 3. The tug boat even got in on the act.
1. One of the local backyard BBQ huts, 2. our best hotel Little Italy, and 3. our poor attempt of joining in the action. This was the only red and white material left that I could get my hands on. The entire stocks of balloons, streamers, bunting etc etc all sold out.
The NZ news has shown continous coverage of the team arriving in Auckland, greeted by even more hundreds of Tongan fans up to the kilt in red and white. Some have even declared Auckland the new Tonga town. Everyone here is very proud of them all and only hope in the opening match tonight against the All Blacks that they get some points on the board. Good Luck and Go! 'Ikale Tahi GO!
Team Tonga Quirke style,1. Jodie in her RWC Jersey signed by the team (thanks John), 2. the jersey and team photos, 3. Lyndon in his supporters shirt.
1. Dressing up the Tonga Water Board office, 2. this house is typical of the support banners around town, 3. the RED army hanging around town signing the team song.
1. This is typical on the streets at the moment, 2. trucks and vans all dressed up and the flag waving. 3. The tug boat even got in on the act.
1. The Korean Embassay, 2. the customs house car park, 3. the Westpac Bank of Tonga.
1. Emily outside our little supermarket, 2. the vegetable marketi, 3. and 1 of only 6 roundabouts in Tonga, decorated by Tonga Power.
1. One of the local backyard BBQ huts, 2. our best hotel Little Italy, and 3. our poor attempt of joining in the action. This was the only red and white material left that I could get my hands on. The entire stocks of balloons, streamers, bunting etc etc all sold out.
Not to be out done, but in conjunction with the Tongans, our wonderful High Commissioner promptly declared Wednesday to be WALLABY WEDNESDAY throughout the duration of the cup. Although there are only about 120 Aussies here, everyone is pulling out the old jerseys and anything green and gold and joining in the fun.
Some of the Australian High Commission staff all geared up and the enterance to the Immigration office.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Shenzhen Oriental Elements visit Tonga
During the week we had another Chinese dance group visit and this time they were even better than the last. They were a little more modern and as usual we all had our own favourite's. Dylan was the Fan magician, Em the dancer's (especially in the Green outfits), Jodie the balancing 12 year old and Lyndon........... all the girl dancers - of course!!!! But really, the balance performers were amazing! The guest of honor was the Princess and our friend Sia was the MC again as he speaks all three languages, English, Tongan and Chinese.
An example of the Lantern dance. Guest who had the camera?
These hat jugglers just kept pulling new tricks out of their hat. Ha ha.
This bloke worked his way up to this near impossible finale.
This girl is 12 years old and her performance went for 5+ minutes balancing on only one hand, even changing hands several times.
The performers from the "Lifting Your Bridal Veil" dance.
Amazing!!! These guys performed every move in slow motion and got one of the biggest applauses for their efforts.
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